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3rd Upper GI Endoscopy Education & Training Day - Wednesday 26th June 2024

Registration, Coffee & Welcome

07:30 - 08:30

This first day has been specially designed for trainees, endoscopy fellows, junior doctors, nurse endoscopists and anyone starting their career in endoscopy. Nevertheless, it is of course open to anyone with interest in Upper GI Endoscopy; including experienced endoscopy consultants looking for some refreshment of their diagnostic skills. We are covering all basics aspects of the endoscopic diagnosis of early neoplasia in the Upper GI tract, including the use of advanced imaging techniques, lesion recognition and decision making process before considering endoscopic treatment. With this training day, we aim to increase the awareness of diagnosing gastro-oesophageal malignancies at an early stage and the importance of performing high quality Upper GI Endoscopy to improve the diagnosis of early Upper GI neoplasia.

Breakfast with the expert 08:00 - 08:30

Sponsored breakout sessions by our Gold and Silver sponsors

Separate booking required at no extra fee.


Endoscopic real-time assessment of oesophageal motility utilizing EndoflipTM – Indications and results

Speaker: Krish Ragunath

Sponsored by MEDTRONIC


New advances in management of EoE. Common mistakes and how to avoid them

Speaker: Anjan Dhar

Sponsored by DR FALK


Foreign body management and retrieval: grasping devices, nets and overtubes - Tips & tricks, common mistakes and how to avoid them.

Speaker: Niroshan Muwanwella

Sponsored by STERIS


Safety and rationale of deep Propofol sedation for interventional Upper GI: Endoscopy and role of high flow nasal oxygen therapy with THRIVE (transnasal humidified rapid insufflation ventilatory exchange): Current evidence and literature review.

Speaker: Neeha Sandhu, Consultant Anaesthetist, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust



Don't let bleeding distract you - Procedural control at every stage: Seeing and Treating with RDI, CoagGrasper, EndoClot and Clips

Speaker: Michał Kamiński

Sponsored by OLYMPUS

Quality in Upper GI Endoscopy: The very basics

08:30 - 9:00

Key performance indicators, BSG recommendations and the impact of all that on missed UGI cancer rate (PEUGIC)

Krish Ragunath

High quality endoscopy for Barrett’s oesophagus

09:00 - 09:30

Who to perform, where to book, what to use and how to scope these patients. And then… what to look for to detect early neoplasia

Max Barret

All about early squamous oesophageal neoplasia

09:30 - 10:00

Who is at risk? Should we offer surveillance or screening? What to look for and how to assess: Lugol, NBI and magnification. IPCLs classification, decision making process and endoscopy treatment options

Michał Kamiński

How to assess and manage oesophageal strictures

10:00 - 10:30

From conventional dilatation to the new BougieCap devices and stenting– Tips and tricks to improve outcomes

Anjan Dhar

Coffee break

10:30 - 11:00

Endoscopic treatment options for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease

11:00 - 11:30

Anti-reflux mucosectomy (ARMS), anti-reflux mucosal ablation (ARMA) and anti-reflux mucoplasty (ARM-P)

Hendrik Ueberschaer

The evolving field of third-space endoscopy

11:30 - 12:00

POEM and all its derivatives: Indications, technique and long term outcomes

Roberta Maselli

Benign gastric polyps

12:00 - 12:30

When to ignore, when to biopsy and when to resect– Is advanced imaging in the stomach as useful as it is for colonic polyps?

Glòria Fernández-Esparrach

The premalignant stomach

12:30 - 13:00

Gastric intestinal metaplasia, atrophy and early cancer: How to scope and what to look for to detect early neoplasia. When and why is surveillance indicated?

Manon Spaander

Lunch break & visit the exhibition

13:30 - 14:30

Gastric and duodenal neuroendocrine tumours (G-NET and D-NET)

14:00 - 14:30

Types, diagnosis and management – When and how to resect: EMR, ESD, full thickness resection and any other options

Raf Bisschops

Artificial intelligence in upper GI endoscopy

14:30 - 15:00

Will we really need all we have been learning all day? Artificial intelligence in the Upper GI tract and its impact in endoscopy training of the new generation of endoscopists

Francisco Baldaque-Silva

Coffee break

15:00 - 15:30

Image and Video Upper GI Endoscopy Quiz

15:30 - 17:30

Multichoice questions from real day to day cases followed by a great prize

Moderators: Guiomar Moral & Jacobo Ortiz

Whole faculty panel to comment on and discuss learning points

Quiz Prize
