image associated with the article titled 'Welcome'


Dear endoscopy friends,

It is my pleasure to invite you to our Upper GI Endoscopy & Barrett’s Endotherapy Course this coming June. I must admit this event is becoming bigger and bigger each year, we are expecting more delegates attending than even before and we are very honoured to have the largest faculty panel of experts compared to any of our previous courses. But at the same time, we are making sure to keep the same atmosphere of previous years with very practical and interactive lectures, case discussions and debates to give you the opportunity to learn from and interact with world renowned experts in a very relaxed and informal atmosphere.

Same as before, the first day has been designed to increase awareness of high quality Upper GI endoscopy and how this is keay to optimize the detection of early neoplasia. All basic aspects of lesion recognition and management will be covered. Some emerging areas such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Endoscopy treatment options for refractory GORD and third space endoscopy will also have their place on this day.

Our classic yearly Barrett's Endotherapy will be again all around five very interesting debates on emerging topics in the Barrett's endotherapy field; we do hope to create interactive and provocative discussions. As usual, we will also have live cases from our endoscopy unit, practical video sessions on how to diagnose, resect and ablate early Barrett's neoplasia and our popular hands-on training workshops with ex-vivo animal models and small group interactive sessions to discuss real day-to-day cases with our experts.

As always, we are very proud to have an outstanding panel of endoscopy experts from the UK, the rest of Europe and Australia.

Remember, this meeting is open to everyone with any interest in Upper GI Endoscopy, please share the info with any colleague who may be interest to attend.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Nottingham this June!


Jacobo Ortiz Fernández-Sordo

Consultant Gastroenterologist & Upper GI Endoscopy Lead

Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust and University of Nottingham